Mark Ziats, MD, PhD
Internal Medicine, Primary Care Physician

Primary Phone: (817) 332-3039
Fax: (817) 332-6902
Treating patients at these locations
THC - Primary Care - Dr. Mark Ziats
1000 9th Avenue
Suite C
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Dr. Ziats is an Internal Medicine physician practicing in Fort Worth.
Dr. Mark Ziats received a B.S. in Biochemistry from Clemson University. He then completed a combined MD/Ph.D. training program, doing his medical training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, and his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge (U.K.) in Genetics. Dr. Ziats went on to complete Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Michigan.
He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has extensive clinical experience in acute hospital care, post-acute care, and general outpatient Internal Medicine. He has served as medical director for multiple skilled nursing facilities and has practiced across the US in a variety of settings. His particular focus is on geriatric care, as well as chronic disease management, complex/undiagnosed disorders, and genetic contributions to adult-onset diseases.
Dr. Ziats believes in a comprehensive, thorough, and evidenced-based approach to patient care with an emphasis on quality and patient experience.